I'm not really sure this article is a great one. I don't mean that to demean the author, the rest of his blog is a decent resource for people who want a good 1000 foot view of the basics of quant finance as it relates to trading, you won't find much useful for pricing for instance. This article on the same site is a follow up and does a better job explaining the material IMHO....
Related to your 3rd link [0], we used Time Series Analysis and Its Applications [1] in my undergraduate time series class. They have a free version [2].
This is posted as a pointer to the start of the series of posts on the time series analytics. There are already three articles in this series posted, I find them to be good and the upcoming posts expected to be of value as well.
As one of the comments on the page pointed out, the article skips one of the most important time series analysis, namely symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX - http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~eamonn/SAX.htm)
If you want a good beginner tutorial, these are the ones I recommend most to people.
and if you want a bit more rigorous presentation then I recommend this book: