That's a pretty impressive effort and awesome all over.
As an innocent bystander, my biggest concern is what's going to happen to nrefactory and friends. Omnisharp[1] currently relies on these and mono to provide intellisense and refactoring to editors not monodevelop.
Will they have to put on an equal amount of effort into putting to Roslyn if they want to remain on a maintained codebase?
OmniSharp-Roslyn is planning on utilising VS RefactoringEssentials[1] sometime in the future[2], which used to be NR6Pack (and part of NRefactory 6). RefactoringEssentials is based on Roslyn.
Understandable, but still a little disappointing. If this OSS initiative is worth anything, the platforms need to be at parity for features and release.
This is a pretty Mono-focused article so I don't really think it's relevant to the recent release of VS 2015.
I'm currently working on Roslyn CoreCLR and cross-plat and Mono is working on integrating more of Roslyn into their stuff, but I don't think the two are necessarily connected, so I wouldn't strictly describe the two as duals.
Currently you could run coreclr apps on Linux / Mac, you just can't pull the dependencies without mono, since CoreCLR for Mac / Linux still misses NuGet mechanisms
It may actually work on *nix, I just haven't tried it. The powershell script won't run and you'll have to do it manually, but it's just a ten line script or so.
Did you read our comment thread? I'm complaining that there isn't parity for the dotNet/Roslyn development. You reply that you're working currently on CoreCLR as a response to this, so I asked for where I can do this. You state, it's not at parity. I jokingly refer you back to my original comment, and you glibly try to insult me? What the hell dude?
As an innocent bystander, my biggest concern is what's going to happen to nrefactory and friends. Omnisharp[1] currently relies on these and mono to provide intellisense and refactoring to editors not monodevelop.
Will they have to put on an equal amount of effort into putting to Roslyn if they want to remain on a maintained codebase?