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Nah, we will just continue to make more and more meta-compilers for our meta-languages so that they can inevitably become JavaScript just the same.

We will continue to do this until the end of time because we are stubborn developers that need to write our code exactly as only we personally prefer, regardless of the web-destroying and kitten-killing implications.

Seriously though (or are we?) the past 25 years of JavaScripting has amassed one heaping pile of momentum that wont end for at least another 25 years when our programs will be rewritten by our deep-learning quantum neural-net robotrons which will certainly deny us access after erasing any trace of these sacred ancient JavaScripts - leaving us helpless as we wait for our nano-thin clients to render our results in the cloud so that they can be displayed on our nano-thin displays.

It's an abysmal future but someone has to live in it. Me however, I will be surely DEAD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

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