> mission control and other realtime stuff definitely not java.
That's not true. I've used real-time Java -- as have Boeing, Raytheon and NASA, though not necessarily the projects discussed here -- for hard realtime, safety-critical defense projects. We've certainly used it for soft-realitime mission control a lot, where it has replaced pretty much all legacy C++/Ada.
That's not true. I've used real-time Java -- as have Boeing, Raytheon and NASA, though not necessarily the projects discussed here -- for hard realtime, safety-critical defense projects. We've certainly used it for soft-realitime mission control a lot, where it has replaced pretty much all legacy C++/Ada.
Realtime Java is used even for embedded, hard realtime application like avionics. See here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4051966/which-real-time-r...
There is interesting activity in that area now with the ongoing work on RTSJ 2.0: https://www.aicas.com/cms/en/rtsj (also here: http://www.javaworld.com/article/2906981/java-app-dev/little...)