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Isn't there a fear that candidates will be worried about being thought of as the "Jopwell guy"? Seems inevitable if Jopwell is thought of as the place you go to add minorities for your team, e.g. some individuals will think of them as affirmative action candidates, and the candidates themselves will be afraid of being thought that way.

I suppose it's not an issue if the strategy is to be an invisible intermediary, so people wouldn't where they came from.

Great question - thanks for posing it! Just how someone identified via LinkedIn, indeed, or Monster would not be branded as a "Company-x guy", Jopwell candidates have not been labeled negatively as a result of being on the platform. Jopwell is simply the resource through which these individuals are finding out about opportunities they might have otherwise been unaware of. As a reminder, these individuals are not hired BECAUSE they are on Jopwell - Jopwell is simply a tool that helps companies ensure that they are considering an applicant pool of individuals from varied backgrounds. From a user perspective, Jopwell helps individuals learn about companies and jobs and hopefully (if they are the BEST person for the job) attain employment. Hope that helps to clarify!

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