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The biggest problem with Remote culture is lack of exceedingly reliable communication. It's improved a little bit by things like Zoom lately, but we still need to work on integrated whiteboarding. Crazy, I know..

Also, mixing remote / onsite is hard because of politics. I think to be effective in remote, it has to be all remote and everyone has to be mature. Like netflix mature. You know, if you don't start producing at high velocity continuously and immediately, you get let go immediately. This is because unless you are mature, you generally goof off when you don't visibly see other people working hard.

I disagree with your requirement of immediately and continuously producing--least of all because, in all odds, the codebase of such a culture (optimizing for "throw code on the wall now now now don't waste time thinking") is going to result in a big pile of garbage that will take a little time to get up to speed on.

This is because unless you are mature, you generally goof off when you don't visibly see other people working hard.

So what? God forbid anybody in my super lean startup have fun in a non-company-mandated way. If I've got a dev who "goofs off" but when they're on point they're really on point, I'm fine with that--I just know not to put them on time-sensitive things, because I'm experienced enough to know how that'll work out.

Are you hiring? :)

I'm currently a remote employee, but recently my employer has started mandating what I call "micromanagement" techniques. Every 5 minutes of my day must be accounted for and logged. Project managers have started pinging me on the status of my tickets twice a day. The irony of the situation is, the harder they crack down, the less desire I have to work.

It didn't used to be like this. Slowly over the past year, somebody up the ladder has been mandating these changes. It seems like this is the standard MBA approach to increase company efficiency. I'll be paying close attention to whether they succeed or not.

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