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I like that Nadella is trying, but he's so disconnected that it's essentially all worthless. He considers Windows 10 to be the all-encompassing platform across all devices. Except this isn't even remotely true.

He wants Microsoft to focus on a mobile-first world, but the world isn't mobile first, and a cloud service approach for Microsoft is equally as worthless unless you're talking about enterprise environments. I mean who does he intend MS market to otherwise? And when you're talking enterprise, you're talking about not just an ecosystem, but a culture, of people who do not want their data handled by third-parties, even if that third-party is the platform owner itself. Amazon and Google dominate cloud space. Microsoft doesn't compete in any meaningful way here. And Azure? Please.

So what is Microsoft's goal with mobile? To compete? With who? Google? Apple? What a joke. Microsoft is essentially not even in the market.

What the hell is Nadella trying to do? I mean great job trying to unify Microsoft's brands, but that's all marketing that doesn't add up to anything other than product consistency. They've got nothing new to show other than a culture shift attempt.

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