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This one sided view of their marketing pitch is exactly what's wrong with them and, to some extent HN in general, in it's Californian money & tech bubble...

Seen from the outside, this kind of tech-trip-before-thinking-globally, or solutionism, is why people are upset, and rightly so. Snowden has shown, as many others have before and after, that they spy for economic and political gain against ally, they don't even respect local American's laws and could hardly be described as democratic or even accountable.

I'm not saying there isn't a need for law enforcement or surveillance, but it has to be accountable, targeted and justified. Not simply a secret digital war machine disguised under the "omg, everything is now terrorism! Save the children! --fox" and cool marketing to entrap the young mind and throw them away once their time has passed...

I wish I would want to work there, IF and only IF, they would fix all those issues.

In the mean time, yes, they are an enemy of democracy, and a very hypocritical one at that.

The public servants that work there deserve to be put to work for the greater good.

Criticising the NSA for spying on the wrong targets makes as little sense as criticising soldiers because your country is at war with the wrong enemy.

The army doesn't normally go off and attack another country in secret without even telling their own government.


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