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yes im sure there are some very nice very unconscious people working for GCHQ and NSA. wasnt particularly having a go at the pawns. i know tho that they believe they are really doing essential work. they would have to.

I don't know about the work quality they have. I would expect they are highly bloated like any other big corps. I think the general feelings toward NSA or GCHQ should be directed at upper management who play games without accountability. Even though I do not disagree with their intention - which I do believe they are also trying to solve problems at hand, their approaches and lack of insight in technology can be damaging.

I find people criticize government without a good understanding on how it works. A cumulative resentment due to lacking of actual person(s) to blame. Criticisms without better solutions and intention to help are just as lame as those incompetent upper managers trying to solve problems by repeating mistakes in the past.

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