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I'm not sure if there's any solution left that would make Windows a success on phones, so I'm criticising Satella's ambivalence around this core issue.

Satella acknowledges that the Windows Phone model hasn't worked, but seems to believe that reverting to Microsoft's old 2000-era model would eventually make it a success.

I guess, if I were suddenly appointed as circus leader in Redmond, I would just pull the plug on Windows 10 Mobile since it's been fatally wounded by the recent announcements anyway. The phone hardware division bought from Nokia has been entirely written down as a loss, so maybe I'd give them a year to build something that makes sense for their customers -- maybe an Office-centric Android device.

I'd probably try to peddle the ex-Nokia division to some large company that still wants to make phones for strategic reasons. There's one in Microsoft's home city actually. Maybe Amazon could reboot their Fire Phone using the Lumia brand, distribution reach and the Finnish hardware competence that still remains?

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