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I especially like the paragraphs where he explains his view on 'the desktop is not dead'. Which I personally find nice to hear because I'm a bit sick of hearing the opposite 'desktop is dead' which, at least in my branch(es), is proven wrong every single day and will continue to be proven wrong for years and years to come.

And when you saw the demo of HoloLens today, to me it's part of my mobility strategy. When the person was using Autodesk and Maya on the desktop and just moved to a 3D model and interacted, they weren't using their phone.

If anything, one big mistake we made in our past was to think of the PC as the hub for everything for all time to come. And today, of course, the high volume device is the six-inch phone. I acknowledge that. But to think that that's what the future is for all time to come would be to make the same mistake we made in the past without even having the share position of the past. So that would be madness.

Interesting as well is the next paragraph which is basically 'desktop is not dead, though desktop pcs/laptop are not always the most appropriate form factor and this is what we are going to do about it'

So when I think about our Windows Phone, I want it to stand for something like Continuum. When I say, wow, that's an interesting approach where you can have a phone and that same phone, because of our universal platform with Continuum, and can, in fact, be a desktop. That is not something any other phone operating system or device can do. And that's what I want our devices and device innovation to stand for.


I actually would like to see Microsoft go against popular wisdom and build their own PC desktops/laptops. The quality of the Apple experience e.g. keyboard, trackpad, build quality, poorly coded bloatware, stickers etc blows away anything in the PC space. Let the OEMs own the cheap and nasty space but actually build something that enterprises would want to roll out and workers would love to use.

The Surface is nice and all but for those of us that use a PC on a desktop for 95% of the day it isn't an optimal choice.

Sorry but Apple keyboards just suck for programming.

Apple once the steward of ergonomic keyboards now has nothing that could match either Microsoft or Logitech offerings.

Those are still nothing next to a Kinesis Advantage (LF).

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