I have been discussing this with law enforcement since 2013, and with my shrinks since 1985.
In 1979, when I was in the youth conservation corps an electrical fault set fire to our dormitory's payphone. That being our only phone I figured everyone would exit the building. Instead everyone including the adult staff sat quietly as the flames grew. Our only exit was through the flames.
So finally I grabbed a paper bag out of a trash can, covered my hand with it then slapped my palm over the melted burning plastic, cutting off it's air supply.
Everyone else called me a hero. I pointed out that I was taught how to put out fires when I was a Boy Scout.
It is quite common that a Boy Scout gives his lfe to save that of another
In 1979, when I was in the youth conservation corps an electrical fault set fire to our dormitory's payphone. That being our only phone I figured everyone would exit the building. Instead everyone including the adult staff sat quietly as the flames grew. Our only exit was through the flames.
So finally I grabbed a paper bag out of a trash can, covered my hand with it then slapped my palm over the melted burning plastic, cutting off it's air supply.
Everyone else called me a hero. I pointed out that I was taught how to put out fires when I was a Boy Scout.
It is quite common that a Boy Scout gives his lfe to save that of another