I want to know what you are doing that you not only ran across tons of CP, but cross-compared the amount of CP on Google and Bing? And are now telling tons of people about all the CP you've seen?
I have no idea why you'd discuss this with a deputy (who has no power to do anything), but refuse to discuss it with the FBI (because they "obviously know"), I also don't know why the heck your post contains a strange offtopic diatribe about the Challenger Disaster, or why you've lamenting under $5 in postage.
The whole post is super strange and disjoined. I don't even follow the thought process.
I know a woman who was held in sexual bondage for five years by a serial killer. I believe her because I know her quite well and because I once met the serial killer.
She went to the FBI but they did not believe her.
My plan is to substantiate her claims then turn the evidence over to law enforcement. The reason I have not already done so is opportunity cost.
I know many unusual people, not just my friend and her sexual predator.
A while back I did report the murder of a drug informant. I dont know how that turned out because law enforcement officers do not discuss their investigations with the public until after they make an arrest.
I also scared the crap out of an FBI agent by explaining how to make a high explosive detonator out of any flavor of Kool-Ade mix other than lemon. There are other precursors but all can be purchased at any supermarket.
I know several convicted murderers; some are good friends of mine. A few I met in the forensic unit of Western State Hospital in Lakewood Washington. Were they to overcome their madness they would be discharged but that is uncommon.
Law enforcement officers appreciate the assistance.
The reason I discuss the Challenger Disaster was to explain my ethical stance on who is really to blame when something bad happens. When a bad person does a bad thing I regard them as doing what comes naturally; those who I regard as morally reprehensible are the ones who were in a position to prevent the problem, or to fix it afterward yet chose not to.
My server logs tell me that a whole bunch of people who are in a position to fix this problem just read my essay.
The draft I presently have is quite half-baked. It's hard for me to write not because the topic is so painful but because I have persistent insomnia; the insomnia causes bad headaches.
I have no idea why you'd discuss this with a deputy (who has no power to do anything), but refuse to discuss it with the FBI (because they "obviously know"), I also don't know why the heck your post contains a strange offtopic diatribe about the Challenger Disaster, or why you've lamenting under $5 in postage.
The whole post is super strange and disjoined. I don't even follow the thought process.