I think you underestimate the utility. Think of parents or family members that attend football games. They're often stuck watching the game "through the viewfinder" if they want to film it ... this frees them up to look with their eyes. You also underestimate extreme sports where you want to film a trick over a given obstacle. This would be fantastic for skateboarders. Boxers who want to film themselves during a workout, or a fight to review their form could use this for sure.
etc. etc. ... just because you don't anecdotally see the demand doesn't mean it's not there ;)
I'm surprised too that no one has mentioned the adult industry (either actual professionals or possibly among some amateurs / semi-pros). One could easily imagine this sort of ting being useful there, where quality is probably "good enough" and an actual cameraman too expensive.
Others have added that this version has a minimum range of 25 feet, which may scupper it for many, but long video lenses are available.
yea, the problem is I highly doubt it actually works well for the football use case. Think about a basketball or football game. What happens when the QB fires a pass? How does the cam know which player to follow? What about a bball fastbreak where a bunch of players are moving and only one player is moving far ahead of the others, how does it know to follow him? For boxers, and skateboarders I could see this working easily though...
When it's a football or basketball game, most people are only interested in one person - their kid. To hell with the quarterback. In a professional setting, there would be more than one camera anyway. It would make sense for each of the big deal athletes to have a tracking camera on them.
etc. etc. ... just because you don't anecdotally see the demand doesn't mean it's not there ;)