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A friend of mine was recently at gophercon and sent me this link: https://sourcegraph.com/blog/live/gophercon2015/123653512740

Writing a single shared library for different platforms makes sense. I think Google do this currently with java & then convert the java to objc, but if go provides an alternative it might finally be time for me to learn it...

> Writing a single shared library for different platforms makes sense

i've always taken this approach... like since the 90s, although not necessarily a library, but shared code. there has always been a way to do this thanks to the ubiquity of C - its just been that Google has been reluctant to allow 3rd parties to do on android what they do internally for reasons I really don't know...

Huh? You can use C libraries on Android with JNI & the NDK. In fact it's how most games do it.

i never said you can't. i just said you could...

Reluctant how?

they held back a toolchain for android native development for ages, but yet quite obviously used one to build the OS itself.

its still a 3rd class citizen, despite being the backbone of the platform.

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