Install useful .bashrc shortcuts: u check updates, l detailed file list, .. parent dir, i [appname] install package, x [file] uncompress file, own [dir] get access to folder, p [procname] find process by name, f [string] find string in this folder's files, gg git commit and push
sed -i "$ a\#custom shortcuts \nx(){ case \$1 in .tar.bz2) tar xjf \$1;; .tar.gz) tar xzf \$1;; .bz2) bunzip2 \$1;; .rar) rar x \$1;; .gz) gunzip \$1;; .tar) tar xf \$1;; .tbz2) tar xjf \$1;; .tgz) tar xzf \$1;; .zip) unzip \$1;; .Z) uncompress \$1;; esac; } \nf(){ grep -R -I \"\$1\" ./*; } \np(){ ps aux | grep \$1 | grep -v grep; } \nown(){ sudo chmod 777 -R \${1:-.} && sudo chown -R \${USER} \${1:-.}; } \nalias u='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y' \nalias l='ls -la' \nalias ..='cd ..' \nalias i='sudo apt-get install -y ' \nalias gg='git add . && git commit -a -m "." && git push -u -f origin master'" ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
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