Might anyone have suggestions on where best to find delicious Iranian comfort food in the SF Bay area? There are quite a few Persian restaurants, but I haven't found any of them to particularly stand out. Personal recommendations from people who know the cuisine would be great.
Abgoosht/Dizi is my favorite Iranian dish - but unfortunately the only place in SF that serves it is Flytrap, in SoMa. I tried it recently and it's not quite the traditional Dizi that one might hope for (Flytrap is kind of fusion-Persian food).
Alborz in Berkeley also serves Abgoosht, but I haven't tried it there. If anyone has I'd love to know it is. If you're just generally looking for Persian cuisine in SF, Lavash is great.
If you're ever down in Southern California, there are a few places that serve Dizi. I particularly like Hen House Grill in Irvine - the setting isn't quite right for a Dizi (it's almost fast-foody), but the food itself is excellent.
Driving through south bay, namely San Jose, I think they probably have the best collection of Iranian restaurants, unfortunately I don't remember their names. Living in SF, the best place I goto regularly is Alborz on Van Ness. Note the only thing I ever get when I eat Persian food out are the different kabob's since they're hard to make at home without a grill/bbq. It's hard to find good stews ("khoresht") that aren't made by mom.
I skimmed down looking for recipes, but didn't see any. I guess I should say that I didn't see any before it dimmed the article and interrupted me with a modal.
Anyway, if anyone has recipes they recommend, I'm interested!
The sole criterion for whether a story belongs on HN is: is it intellectually interesting. Breadth is the thing we care most about preserving here. Losing it would be the easiest thing in the world (not least because many don't see its value) and a sure way to dull the community.
Does food writing count? A recipe probably wouldn't, nor food photos à la Tumblr or Yelp. But articles about the history or economics of food, or new techniques in making it, or some unusual social aspect—sure, why not?
...are supposed to be pretty broad beyond tech and startups. But, I still think this is still reeaaaalllly stretching... It's a nice human interest piece with nice commentary on local customs and mouth-watering descriptions and pictures of food. But, not much else. Maybe I'd reading it too quickly, but I don't see much content that makes me think about much beyond "Those people seem really pleasant" and "That food sounds really yummy". Does it at least mention some unusual social aspects? Maaaaaybe a just bit...
I guess I'm in the minority here. But, I'll still occasionally reiterate my concern whenever I see lots of votes for material that feels like it's pushing HN closer to /r/MildyInteresting. Lots of easy upvotes for easy, no-topic, snacky links and stuff...
"On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting. That includes more than hacking and startups. If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity."
I regularly flag pretty much any and all political articles, but this is something that... hey, maybe it's just interesting to people. It's not some lame thing causing boring, trite political flame wars.