Insofar as the term "shareware" can be construed as users actively giving away copies, with references to where paid expansion/sequel software can be obtained, that's pretty much over with as the Internet has made distribution trivial (just provide a link, no need to give someone the whole thing) - to the point that one assumes that unless otherwise inaccessible (say, JFK Reloaded isn't available from the publisher any more), better to go download the latest directly from the source rather than a months-old version passed around.
Can't say a definitive "no" to the lead questions, as the world is a big place and there are "underground" groups maintaining limited distribution. On the whole, I'd be surprised to find any.
Can't say a definitive "no" to the lead questions, as the world is a big place and there are "underground" groups maintaining limited distribution. On the whole, I'd be surprised to find any.