The old joke: "They're prepared for class warfare--are you?"
Let's set aside the technical issues involving revolution; weapons, tactics, whatever. Let's just look at the basic philosophical points and high-level problems.
What exactly would be revolted against?
Is one revolting against shitty local/state/federal government that they themselves (statistically) continued to vote in, either directly or through inaction?
Is one revolting against poor treatments of minorities, especially since they've (statistically) shown themselves incapable of interacting with people whose political views they disagree with (much less people with obvious differences in skin color, economic class, or some harder-to-overlook uniqueness)?
Is one revolting against the centralization of capital? This, despite the fact that that person is (stastically) unlikely to have any of the basic but essential skills required to grow food, mend equipment, slaughter animals, write books, orate effectively, organize teams, balance checkbooks, run businesses, or write programs?
Is one revolting against the loss of control one has over their own affairs? A loss of control literally begged for every time they've let slide a "think of the children" argument or repeated some other form of fear mongering?
America today has the government and economic distribution of wealth that it deserves.
The only revolt that really makes sense is one purely out of spite, pure juvenile hatred and rage and desire to see the nice things these folks have turn to ash because "fuck you that's why". Anything more highbrow is just trying to dress things up.
Let's set aside the technical issues involving revolution; weapons, tactics, whatever. Let's just look at the basic philosophical points and high-level problems.
What exactly would be revolted against?
Is one revolting against shitty local/state/federal government that they themselves (statistically) continued to vote in, either directly or through inaction?
Is one revolting against poor treatments of minorities, especially since they've (statistically) shown themselves incapable of interacting with people whose political views they disagree with (much less people with obvious differences in skin color, economic class, or some harder-to-overlook uniqueness)?
Is one revolting against the centralization of capital? This, despite the fact that that person is (stastically) unlikely to have any of the basic but essential skills required to grow food, mend equipment, slaughter animals, write books, orate effectively, organize teams, balance checkbooks, run businesses, or write programs?
Is one revolting against the loss of control one has over their own affairs? A loss of control literally begged for every time they've let slide a "think of the children" argument or repeated some other form of fear mongering?
America today has the government and economic distribution of wealth that it deserves.
The only revolt that really makes sense is one purely out of spite, pure juvenile hatred and rage and desire to see the nice things these folks have turn to ash because "fuck you that's why". Anything more highbrow is just trying to dress things up.