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I'd like for all apps to have a command lookup similar to Sublime Text: Type some text to match a command.

The list must be exhaustive -- if it's not there, the command cannot exist. (Unfortunately, Sublime commands are explicitly registered and the list isn't complete; it even lacks core Sublime commands.)

The list should also show keyboard shortcuts and allow a way to modify them in-place. (Sublime doesn't do that either. A real missed opportunity.)

Emacs with ido or helm does this [1] but unfortunately it requires quite a bit of customisation, and even more customisation to get nice fuzzy matching.

It does include every possible command though, and it can show keyboard shortcuts.

[1]: http://sachachua.com/blog/2014/03/emacs-basics-call-commands...

Ubuntu's unity does the command lookup thing with its HUD.

XFCE allows one to change keyboard shortcut settings in a similar fashion (from within the menus as it doesn't have the HUD)?

That's one of the things I really like about Unity. Can't remember which menu the mouse settings are buried in? No problem, just type "mouse" into the dash.

To be fair, Windows 8+ does that too.

Unity's HUD does it automatically for any program you have open. Windows 7+'s desktop search includes programs and control panel applets, but not much else.

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