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While reddit stated they weren't banning an idea, only the subreddit, alternative subreddits that popped up on the same topic were also shutdown. The belief is that the idea leads to negative unacceptable behavior, and thus they have actually banned the idea, not just the subreddit.

A more community minded approach may have been better, along with threats of working with law enforcement on matters of real-world harassment. This segues right into the next issue of poor community management and oversight. Poor tools & poor admin oversight of subreddits until they are too big to handle in a graceful fashion. Instead of working on these issues, they fired more staff.

All of these actions may have actually been completely justifiable, but were communicated and implemented very poorly.

FPH wasn't banned out of the blue. They and their users got very many warnings and temp shaddow bans over at least a year.

(I agree with your post btw. I don't think that's clear from my comment.)

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