I understood the scope of the OP's suggestion. I just thought it could've been presented more clearly. The fact that tons of the comments here are directed at the idea of this notation as a replacement would seem to bear this out.
The title is "How I'd redesign piano sheet music," then the second paragraph (after the TL;DR) mentions guitar tabs.
At this point, we should just all agree that article titles are at least slightly sensational. If no one on HN debated the clickbaitiness of a headline, comment volume would drop dramatically.
I understood the scope of the OP's suggestion. I just thought it could've been presented more clearly. The fact that tons of the comments here are directed at the idea of this notation as a replacement would seem to bear this out.
For my thoughts on the notation itself, see this post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9831337