I hear you. E.g. - I find go-format to be vile. I remember "non New Jersey" languages from back in the 80s, and find K&R syntax / format worship sickening.
Yes, leave an existing file in its existing layout. No, don't get your shorts in a twisty if both double quotes and single quotes are used in places when the language treats them EXACTLY the same (i.e. - no value interpolation).
Don't force me to copy Java idioms (UGHHHHH!) in an otherwise functional programming language. I don't care about how to use "this" (other than to read somebody else's crap OOP code); I'm using variables in closures that happen to be bundled into an "object". I'm using currying for "dependency injection", rather than writing crap classes with one "do it" method for 90% of instances of "class". (alas, I do most of my work in Java, and only a little JavaScript, which is why the java-isms in JS upset me so much -- Java clowns, GO AWAY!!!)
This is an unfocused rant, I apologize, but I hear your complaint about mandated arbitrary stupidity. I don't know why you got downvoted. People didn't just not agree, you offended them. Go figure.
Yes, leave an existing file in its existing layout. No, don't get your shorts in a twisty if both double quotes and single quotes are used in places when the language treats them EXACTLY the same (i.e. - no value interpolation).
Don't force me to copy Java idioms (UGHHHHH!) in an otherwise functional programming language. I don't care about how to use "this" (other than to read somebody else's crap OOP code); I'm using variables in closures that happen to be bundled into an "object". I'm using currying for "dependency injection", rather than writing crap classes with one "do it" method for 90% of instances of "class". (alas, I do most of my work in Java, and only a little JavaScript, which is why the java-isms in JS upset me so much -- Java clowns, GO AWAY!!!)
This is an unfocused rant, I apologize, but I hear your complaint about mandated arbitrary stupidity. I don't know why you got downvoted. People didn't just not agree, you offended them. Go figure.