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Hi Antirez, always nice to use and see work from a good professional and outstanding community member. Whenever I saw people using Redis as a queue server, it was mainly for two reasons: 1) they were already using Redis and it had the right primitives, 2) it was dead simple to setup and use (compared to rabbitmq, for example).

One guy that I think is often overlooked is beanstalkd (https://github.com/kr/beanstalkd), especially with regards to 2). Have you ever taken a look at the project and if so, how do you think it compares to your vision for Disque?

As the author of one of the two systems I don't feel super well at comparing Disque and Benstalkd, but I guess, as Disque matures, people informed about both systems will compare them. However an obvious difference is that Disque is "internally" distributed and federated, while Benstalkd requires the client to take care of managing multiple nodes.

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