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Someone CAN do it better AND for free.

Check out Nextdoor.com. I've been using it for a while and it's better in literally every single way. It's now just a matter of time while they scale.

Just tried out nextdoor.com. It tried to load 6 different tracking and marketing scripts that my browser addons blocked. Craigslist has 0. I will not be using nextdoor.

It's nothing compared to what Google, Facebook, AirBnB, Uber and literally every other website you visit or email you open does.

Craigslist may not track your actions, but it doesn't ever update it's UI/UX or add features so there's no reason for Craigslist to collect user behavior data.

Now I completely respect your personal choice, but for others who are more willing to try out something that can provide them real value, I think Nextdoor will win over Craigslist every time.

Yep. Nextdoor often barely works for me, with the browser trying to load some asset or other.

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