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Ask HN: How to learn to web dev for real ?
58 points by Murkin on Dec 7, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 37 comments
Hello everyone

After reading all I could find on Python/Django/Ajax/JS/etc, I find myself able to write simple sites (blogs/etc). But I still don't know how to do a real project.

- Methods and tools to updating/patching a working server (with thousands of users). - Creating scalable sites - Setting up a testing environment And much more.

Can any one recommend articles/books on programming that go beyond the "blog app" ?

http://highscalability.com/ is a great resource for building scalable sites - it has consolidated architectural details (culled from presentations, blog posts, interviews, and more) for many large-scale sites (YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, etc).

As for testing environments, take a look into the principles of continuous integration (many resources available) and continuous deployment (especially Eric Ries's blog: http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/). Some tools commonly used to this effect: Git/SVN for source control; Hudson/Cruise Control/Team City for builds; Selenium for testing.

Finally, applying patches and updates to a server falls into the domain of systems administration, so I'd suggest looking for articles on patching/updating high-availability sites. Note, however, that cloud computing is a huge game-changer here. Whereas at many enterprises, applying patches is an arduous (and tedious) quarterly effort culminating in an late-night maintenance window with many hands on deck (all crossing their fingers), clouds afford their adopters the ability to simply fire up new, updated servers alongside the old ones, allowing them to be thoroughly tested in place before any traffic is redirected.

-Mike (@mikebabineau)

Thanks, exactly the sort of resources I was looking for.

Perhaps I failed to introduce my questions correctly. I have been a system admin for years on military server farms (100+ servers) and have been an embedded developer for a few years more.

Currently I am expending my area to web. After writing a few basic web sites that have all the vanilla stuff (Users/Messaging/Pretty JS&AJAX&JQuery stuff). I am trying to learn how to build large scale sites.

* High scalability [more then one server. both web&db]. * Deployment [how to upgrade/patch software on a working site with thousands of existing users with minimal disruption] * Testing [both automatic and non-automatic, including different web browsers and OSes] * Any other thing in this category

Thanks for your info !

It seems you know how to program and how the web works, but want to know how it all fits together (testing, deployment, scaling etc). I think you will find Jacob Kaplan-Moss's presentation of all the pieces of building a web application. It is geared towards Django, but it should give a good overview of what goes into a webapp. And if you are using Django or Python, all the better!


Hmmm... I'd say that you better start coding and stop reading. It will be a mess at first but you have to gain some experience.

I don't want to discourage you but you probably won't have thousands of users on your apps at the same time at the beginning so don't bother with creating scalable sites yet. One day, you'll have some slowness on your app and you'll learn it at this moment.

Having recently started as a "professional" developer, coming from the realm of the hobbyist, I can say that the best thing you can do is get a job.

Start with an internship if you are not yet confident in your skills. The best way to hone your abilities is to set up a situation where you get unexpected problems from code you did not write or an environment you aren't entirely familiar with, and fixing it with the mindset that failure is not an option.

It also helps to get paid while you're doing it. Really. It shows that someone has put an incredible trust and investment into you, and they value your intellectual output.

Start a personal website to host your projects, make it available to the public. Take a look at the tools you use. Try submitting code contributions to the open source projects. Start a blog and document your hardships and discoveries for other budding hackers.

Hopefully this advice helps you some, best of luck!

I would suggest starting with Google App Engine (the Python version). For the following reasons:

1. Python is a good language to learn. You can use it for other things beside building a web app. GAE is similar to Django.

2. The GAE datastore is easier to fathom than a traditional database. For some reason, I always found databases hard to understand, and it seems that designing schemas for non trivial projects is a separate and distinct skill set from software engineering.

3. GAE solves the updating/patching of working code by providing a sane environment and tools to update and version your app. You can easily switch back to a previous version. Patching datastore schemas is slightly harder.

4. You get scalability out of the box. You don't have to worry about hardware, or even configuring "virtual" instances. None of that. But you probably won't have to worry about scalability for a while.

5. You can easily deploy code to multiple environments. You just need to signup for more apps, and update your app.yaml file to point to a new app name. You can do this in a simple build script.

I hope this helps.


Because of GAE's odd architecture, a lot of things that you could get away with elsewhere (especially at non-mega-scale) will give you obvious latency hits.

The upside is that the issues are easy to find, and your code doesn't get any slower if you jack up the load!

It leads you to think about scaling in a most pleasant way.

As the author of a web framework book, I have to say that the example applications are not actually much less complicated than real applications in any significant way. The real applications are often bigger, but it's just more of the same stuff. The bulk of your application is going to be a web-independent model (read any software engineering book for advice in developing this). Then you add some thin glue to make that model look nice over HTTP. (This includes things like REST APIs or AJAX or whatever.)

That's it. The glue to the book's Address Book example (or whatever) is not going to be any different than the glue of a complex app. All the good stuff in your program happens outside the domain of the web.

It's been hinted at in dan_sim's post, but if you have a "real project" in mind just go do it. Learn what you're missing when you need to. You probably know more than you think.

Also, in my experience, I haven't been able to learn anything "for real" without using it on a real project.

I have already created a few small projects (the biggest being 2 weeks of work).

But there is nothing to show me if I correctly handle my prod-server updates (Now I upload, move, restart)

My testing is very basic.

And there is a general feeling of lack of infrastructure.

I would love to learn how to do a few-man-year project (from infrastructure's point of view)

A real project is an excellent way to pick how to do web development.

Have you got any hobbies or interests? Why not create a website dedicated to your hobby/interest? That way it'll be something that you'll be able to run over the course of a few years.

Start with a small website, and slowly build it up. Add more features, then tweak them. Find out why it's loading slowly. Read a few books on website that scale too.

What is "correct" but "sufficient for the needs of the task"? If your method is not sufficient for a future need, you will only discover that by doing more.

Well there is nothing stopping you from getting a small host somewhere and put up a site of some sort. This can then be used to practice the skills you will require to manage a host. Make sure that the site is actually being used for something so that you will need to maintain it and do upgrades.

Then you only have to learn how to...

1) Install and configure a machine 2) Configure a web server 3) Set up ssh access securely 4) Set up your database securely 5) Do backups (and as a test nuke the box and rebuild it from backups) 6) Automate the deployment of your application 7) Keep the machine up to date with security patches 8) Keep the hackers at bay 9) Monitor the general health of the machine and services

Basically you will start to learn the art of the sysadmin. It is a useful skill if you end up at a small company without a dedicated sysadmin and even if you have one it will have a better idea as to what is required to develop and host a site. Empathy with the sysadmin is always good thing.

You will learn a lot of new skills, most of which do not involve coding. I have a little hobby site that hosts fan art for a web comic, I have learnt much about automatic deployment by keeping the site up with minimal disruption. I have learnt much more about the running of databases (as opposed to just writing sql) and loads about unix security (users, groups, permissions, jails etc) that programmers just tend to ignore.

All for around $9 a month. Money well spent if you ask me.

I would suggest http://prgmr.com/xen/ for 6$ a month.

I have a few sites on Webfaction already.

While I figured out how to do most things you mentioned. I feel like I am re-inventing the wheel with most of them.

Surely there are advanced, open-source deployment / backup / version /etc systems in use in big projects.

Thus I am looking for guidance on where to start learning that part of the web-development process

You will be reinventing the wheel; that's part of working with open source on big sites. There just isn't one open-source deployment/backup/versioning/etc system out there. Nearly every large deployment/backup/versioning/etc system i've seen has been custom. Most of these details will be specific to the group you're working with and the project's requirements.

Don't worry so much about getting the process right or finding a pre-packaged solution. The most common solutions will be the same old tools re-worked and customized to get the job done on that site. I'd say the best thing you can do is put your fingers into every single open-source pie you can and get a feel for it all. The rest is a natural evolution of developing for your target platform.

"just do." I know that sounds rather cliche, but it's something that I've found a lot of beginners are missing. They spend a lot of time trying to find the "best" way to do something before they start doing it. Really, just do something. You'll learn from the experience either way. You'll probably learn more than if you had found the maximal solution first.

I probably learned more about programming by hacking together a simple role playing game in Javascript+DOM in 2001 than my next 3 years of college and 5 years of work. That 8 year old code still worked up to the point GeoCities died, and then it was gone permanently. Not a big loss, but it was nice to see that it survived a myriad of browser updates. I learned tons about what made good, readable code just from having to live with it. I learned a lot of the art of optimization because of how much Javascript sucked at the time. But more importantly, I learned that it was more important to get-it-done than to be working in what was popular (you would not believe the flack I caught for not using C for it, even though I was also learning C as well and just wanted to do something in Javascript).

OT: Did you write your own cross-browser DHTML library or use one?

I did the same thing (considerable browser-based app in the pre jQuery dark ages) and it was painful.

Have you checked the Geocities archive http://reocities.com to see if it's there?

I don't think such things existed at the time. At any rate, the code was 100% new and performed no browser checking, but still worked exactly the same on all browsers. It took me a month to do what I could do in a day now, but it was a great learning experience.

I've started a new project recently, maybe about 10 hours of work into it, that is a chess game, 100% new Javascript, so far 100% cross browser compatible (with no features planned that would break that), with no browser checking. It's actually not that hard if you're smart about your debugging (don't use alerts, use try/catch and write out to a div).

I'm not a web developer, but I posted a similar question on Ask.Metafilter last summer (http://ask.metafilter.com/124165/Web-development-big-picture...) and got some helpful suggestions.

For me, the most useful response in the long run has been delmoi's suggestion to just scrutinize the HTTP 1.1 spec and write a webserver from the ground up. (I'll release the webserver, an embedded coroutining/select-multiplexing server written in Lua, when I release the project driving its development.) My interest was specifically in using HTTP 1.1 / REST as a generic interface for servers, rather than creating dynamic web sites per se, though.

Either way, it definitely helps to have a real project in mind.

For frontend stuff:

High Performance Web Sites Essential Knowledge for Front-End Engineers (By Steve Souders) http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596529307

And for an intro to scalability:

Building Scalable Web Sites: Building, Scaling, and Optimizing the Next Generation of Web Applications (By Cal Henderson) http://www.amazon.com/Building-Scalable-Web-Sites-Applicatio...

Updating and patching a server running a web app without down time is an art. And, there's not a ton of stuff out there about django deployment best practices. Here's a few thoughts from a fellow developer:

Python has a decent way to isolate deployed apps using virtualenv. If you google virtualenv django, you should find some interesting reading.

For automated python deployment on unix boxen, fabric seems to be the state of the art. You might also want to take a look at capistrano on thr ruby on rails side. You'll probably find a lot more interesting reading about deployment tips and tricks by reading stuff from ruby/rails land. (Don't flame me) The Rails guys have historically had more problems with speed and scaling rails, so there's a lot more information out there. They've also built some really cool tools to deal with those problems.

Django has some really cool caching features. I was just playing around with caching and load testing http://newsley.com by throwing ghetto localmem caching on top of my main view, I got an order of magnitude more pages served per second. I didn't even try memcached as a backed yet, but I feel a lot better knowing the basics of how to do that if the need arises. Regardless, you'll want to spend a bit of time learning the caching tools anfd reading about memcached if you're interested about scaling django.

A lot of scaling web apps is about scaling a database. It's routinely the slowest part of your web app. You shouls be able to find a lot of reading about that. The highavailability blog is a great resource for that stuff.

Cal henderson (founder of flikr) wrote a great book called "building scalable websites" if I'm not mistaken.

Excellent advice, thank you !

Any time. Django has been improving their test suite recently, and their documentation on testing has been improving a lot in the last couple of months. There's also projects like Twill and Selenium for building automated tests that I like a lot.

Another thought on practicing deployment. If you really want to learn how to deploy to a multi-server environment, I'd move off of webfaction hosting and onto something like EC2. EC2 is great for being able to spin up and then spin down server instances at will. You could set up a DNS round robin pointing at 3 or 4 django servers which in turn point to a separate db server. Write the build scripts to automate set up and take down of all the separate servers. You could also practice setting up database replication on separate EC2 nodes if you wanted to. And, you're only paying a a couple of bucks a day to practice setting up multiple servers.

You might also be interested in puppet: http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/DocumentationStart

If you are young and just starting, try to find a position with a web dev company who uses the technologies you want to learn. Pick an agile company who doesn't need a load of sign-offs to get something done. Don't worry about your $/hr. Worry about what you can learn.

Basically I'm trying to get you to find a good mentor. You can learn more in 1 week from a good mentor than you can by reading PDFs and blog posts for two years.

Basically I'm trying to get you to find a good mentor. You can learn more in 1 week from a good mentor than you can by reading PDFs and blog posts for two years.

So very true. I got stuck with the latter, and there was a brief period in there where I learned loads from a tutor. World of a difference.

Create an idea that requires you to do several things for which you would like to learn. This idea should ideally include offline processing of work, so that you are forced to read and understand many issues with executing jobs outside of the client/server request cycle (maybe this is image creation, video/audio transcoding, log file analysis etc etc). Then make sure your project can leverage some sort of key/value storage system like redis or memcached, or maybe a document store like mongodb or couchdb. Finally, make it something that people like so you'll get enough traffic to need zero downtime deployments.

If you make a project like this, you will learn most of the high value systems/concepts being explored and demanded right now. Additionally, if you satisfy the last constraint, you may have a cool successful startup at the end of it.

(warning: going a little off topic here, sorry) Might I ask how you got started in the first place? I've got a fairly reasonable background regarding the theory of it [programming], I know the principles of OO and basic algorithms, etc., but in school we don't cover the actual writing of code. (And even if we did, it's probably safe to assume it'd go nowhere near as far as I'd like it to.) Anyway, I picked up some Ruby lately, worked through a bunch of tutorials, and it's been going decently - at first much too easy for someone like me, then challenging, but then there's stuff I just don't know how to do. On the one hand, I've repeatedly had big problems with blocks in Ruby - I can't seem to grasp why to use such a weird format when you could just use regular loops instead. On the other hand, and much more importantly, I don't really know where to go from there. I can't write any real programs, and I'd like to get into Rails eventually (as a gateway to Web developing as a whole).

Edit: Out of the tutorials that I did, this one[1] was the one I liked most, as it had a lot of cool tasks that you could just try and solve for yourself, it really helped me get the basics down. However, none of the tutorials have gone any deeper than that one, and as I'm sure you'll agree, I'm not exactly a programmer yet after that tutorial :) Additionally, I've started to read this[2] book, but it appears to follow a really strange direction and is generally not very pleasurable to read (IMO). And, again, the moment it tries to explain blocks to me I just stand there puzzled.. dropped it after I hit that point, as I did with all the other materials I've tried out so far.

Again sorry for hijacking the thread and apologies for being unable to offer any advice on your situation. Regards

[1] http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/

[2] http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/

Edit2: Alright, just saw you've been a developer for longer than I've even used a computer :) So I suppose you can't answer this question either, bah. Wish there were more people that didn't get into programming either 1950 or at age 5. Really, where does someone start nowadays when they're 20 and have no clue.

Since I am coming from a long background of embedded programming, I guess my starting point is different.

But, since my last company loved hiring bright college kids with 0 experience (and I was usually in charge of training them), I have to say. Work with someone experienced.

You can re-invent the wheel a thousand times, but you will get much better if you learn from someone else.

And until you do that, I have found a few blogs/videos that show how professional developers write a simple site, start to finish. Since they annotate the process, you really get to understand not just the how but also the why.

So IMHO best:internships second:the blogs above third: programming yourself (and if you ever decide to switch to embedded programming and move to Israel, I can hook you up ;)

Try to get into a very large software company. Many of them are willing to take newbies and pay the teaching price.

Many people I know started by working a year or two at Checkpoint. Go in green, go out a super-star :)

I wouldn't get to hung up on being "scabable" if I were you. Just do it and worry about that later if it becomes an issue (which it probably won't, plenty of sites are successful at what they're doing without having to many troubles in this area).

Oh, and learn to use source control (Git or Mercurial or similar) if you haven't already. When you break something on your site and don't notice for a bit it's pretty important to be able to look back through the code history to find out where it all went wrong :)

The best way for you to learn is to do so as you go. Plan an idea, a "big project" without worrying about your skills. Make what you can, learn what you cannot. When you come up with a question Google cannot answer, go ahead and ask it at StackOverflow. They are very nice and do not mind "noob" questions.

That way, you will learn by doing, which is much more pragmatic. However, that does not mean that you should not learn programming theory! Embrace what you can.

the best way to learn is to try. all these things that only apply to "real" sites can be tested in smaller doses. try setup a "scalable" blog site.

setup an artificial system that can't stretch very far by limiting the memory / instances of your web server e.g. then hit it with more than you know it can handle. deal with that how you think it should be done. if it works for 1000 -> 10000 requests the same might work for 10000 -> 100000 as long as your scale technique doesn't depend on small numbers.

same goes for all the other things you mentioned, they can be tested and coded for without having more than a "blog site" as a test platform. just do it :) code away!

the same applied to a "testing environment" would be to make yourself a 2nd copy of your blog site. push to the copy, make sure things work, then push to the main site. possibly even automate that 2 tier push by writing tests that can be tested without user intervention :)

Scalability solutions are best found when you have a scalability problem.

I don't know that I have heard of a project failing because it wasn't scalable enough. The types of things that create scalability problems also tend to bring the resources (and motivation) to solve them.

Software Engineering for Internet Applications by Philip Greenspun


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