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Nothing magical about it, but yes it will.

Or rather, vim doesn't need to change its color scheme in order to be displayed in a completely different set of colors, which is what he's talking about. If you change the color mapping of your terminal and vim doesn't immediately reflect that, then your terminal is not applying those changes to that window/tab.

Fair enough, I just tried it out and it indeed works, I was a bit ignorant ;).

I'll see if this will work out for me. Don't know what any pitfalls could be by setting the color scheme in the terminal. At least it's annoying if you use different terminals on different systems, you'll have to configure them separately, you can't put it in your dotfiles repos or something. Thanks anyway, will look into it!

I keep my terminal's settings in my dotfiles repo... It opens by default in what I've set as the default. I can change on a case by case basis if I want.

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