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"Economists people" -- is that still English?

how are you so sure about plural too, huh?

Econ -> Econs , no?

Are you just here for a fight?

"Econ people" is short for "Economics people". Another word for "Economics people" would be "Economists", but it might also include people who have an interest in economics but don't consider themselves economists.

And as for the plural, An "econ person" would be an economist. The OP specified "Econ people".

Calm yourself down a bit.

I'm a bit confused about the point you are trying to make.

Based on your comment history, you seem comfortable with taking liberties with the English language to get your point across quickly (e.g. omitting implicit pronouns and articles in sentences such as 'Somehow never was true with Iceland.', or 'They should quit Euro (Merkel will never allow because others would follow suit) and debase currency. Do exactly as Iceland did.')

So I'm not sure why you seem to take particular issue with 'econ', which is a very common casual way to refer, e.g., to the economics major at uni. ('econ 101' etc)

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