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Climate scientists have been doing that for almost 25 years at this point, and Soon's response has pretty much been to complain that he's being bullied and that science is being politicised. I find that to be actually comical, almost as much as the presumption that an intelligent and intellectually honest person could do this for as long as Soon has. And that his association with political and industrial think tanks is a non-sequitur in this regard.


FWIW, I never took you seriously, because I cannot imagine a serious adult flagging someone for libel for stating an unpleasant fact.

I flagged you for libel because you lied.

I'm not going to flag you for libel here, because I'm sure you believe this, and that is your cross to bear.

So sue me. It is demonstrable that you published falsehoods.

The definition of demonstrable is not "that which I really, truly, believe from the bottom of my heart".

Please stop, both of you.

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