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Ask HN: Portfolio sites
5 points by skaplun on June 25, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hey Guys, Question:

In light of the new professions that expanded in recent years (coders, graphic design) few sites now provide a platform for professionals to create a portfolio (github, dribbble)

What are the platforms that exist today that allow Web Content/Promotions writers, SEO & project managers to share their portfolio?

How would you go about creating these platforms?

If you're wanting to build a portfolio for yourself, Wordpress is the most common option.

If you're asking about a platforms for project managers (like Dribbble et al), I'd say that probably the reason why such a platform doesn't exist, is because project management isn't really a visual discipline in the way that design or even development may be. Most just tend to use their own website, giving them the flexibility to share their thought-process.

Have you tried dunked.com already? You should try that.

I'm currently in a team of 3 persons building a competitor for creating easy portfolios/cv's, but with main focus on the german market.

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