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Simple: this is exactly what you would expect on a high plateau. Think about it in terms of climbing a mountain with a fairly flat top. For a long time you're moving continuously up-slope, then when you get to the plateau you wander around randomly and frequently find outcroppings that are higher than anything you've encountered before. That doesn't mean you're still climbing, and if we were still climbing at the rate seen from 1980-2000 the "global mean temperature" (which is a thermodynamically meaningless arithmetic average) would be even higher than what we see today.

People who continually beat on extrema (like Denialists who claim that cold weather on the East Coast last winter is somehow proof that AGW isn't happening) are adding noise to the argument, not signal. The physically meaningful number is the heat content of the Earth/ocean system, and there's quite a bit of evidence it is rising, and that a significant portion of that rise is due to human activity.

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