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There's a lovely book called The Limits to Growth published in 1972, through the years authors have updated their book and their models (there's more than 20). It turned out that business-as-usual model extrapolated very well from '70s to '00s. So, even them modelling was fairly good.

Yip, great book, good warnings, of which we have done very little about. Another book to recommend is "This changes everything" ... sets out a very reasonable argument while capitalism as it stands is basically incompatible with doing much to prevent climate change. Worth a read.

Herein lies the rub.

Corrupt politicians will find that using environmental concerns and climate change gives them the proper motivation to say "we need more control and the common man needs fewer freedoms". This is why it's a political issue.

Don't expect masses of people to gobble up the idea that climate change is going to ruin the planet when the motivating factor for a good portion of the people selling the idea is that they can seize more control.

It's no different than terrorism and things like the Patriot Act. Terrorism is a horrible problem and no one wants armed rebels chopping people's heads off in the streets of our cities. But when politicians start their backroom meetings and connive a way to start chipping away at our freedoms and our privacy (I'm being redundant), you start finding terrorism skeptics.

We have to find the proper balance between the rights of the individual and the rights of the community. But all the while the entity that sits between the community and the individual, government, is taking more and more control. And they seem to let no opportunity to do so pass.

Climate change is one of their new, favorite vehicles.

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