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I'm curious. Gravity has not been proven to attract two masses, for instance?

> I'm curious. Gravity has not been proven to attract two masses, for instance?

Correct. That's why it's called the theory of gravity :) You would need Laplace's demon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laplace's_demon) for a proof. "Proof" means absolute certainty. You only find that in math, not in the physical world.

As he already said, science doesn't do proofs; proof is something for Math, science does evidence, nothing is ever proven. Asking a scientist for proof merely shows you don't know what science is and thus aren't capable of using it to make decisions.

Is there any evidence that two masses don't attract ?

> Is there any evidence that two masses don't attract ?

The answer to that question does not in any way proof the existence of gravity.

I don't mean to offend, but if you honestly ask these types of questions, I doubt you are able to evaluate the quality of original papers dealing with climate research.

You're making an adhominem argument.

Have there been times when earth temperature change was not anthropogenic?

pointing out that you don't understand a basic concept is not an ad hominem. It's just true, and is an important detail.

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