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Yay , more micro dollars for artists ...

If only Music Artists didn't get ripped off by Recording Labels. Streaming isn't the problem imo, Artists making $21 for every $1000[1] is the problem

Yes, you make "less" on a Streaming service than me paying you $10, but if you decide to both have a label which takes 98% of your profit, AND allow your music to be Streamed (which offers a better UX, but less direct monitization), then you're making poor choices, imo.

Streaming services (music/movies/etc) are becoming standard because the UX is excellent. They may need some tweaking, but it is a painless UX. Imo, they're here to stay, and for good reason.

[1]: as i last saw from another HNer, when these conversations get repeatedly brought up. Unfortunately i don't have the cite.

vs? I don't know what Google Play pays. I guess I assume it's similar to Spotify which at least by one accounting is much more than radio


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