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Great observation, though it's not a bad thing, necessarily (assuming you were even implying that it was).

In fact, it could be a very good thing, especially if the alternative is, eg, dropdowns for type and scope, and a separate popup for editing or adding new ones, and so on.

Having the data model loosely encoded as text, and understood only by convention among humans, who can then improvise changes to that model in exceptional cases, relying on other humans to make sense of those changes even though they are "outside" the agreed-upon model, is sometimes exactly what you want.

Also, as UI for input, text is often the fastest and most efficient -- again, just what you want. Of course, you could always do string validation on the text input to enforce your model, so this can be considered an orthogonal point.

And these considerations don't even touch upon the increased complexity and maintenance costs that your tool itself (in this case, git) will incur if it takes on the burden of maintaining the data model explicitly.

I agree.

The UX exists for the reader, the data model for the programmer. Sometimes, text is the best UX. For example, I love Markdown, a classic example of a data model serialized as text. I do not want a “rich editor” that speaks the data model directly.

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