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There's something really nice about these minimalistic C projects. You can quickly take a look at the source and immediatelly grasp what's happening. A simple and didactic introduction. Super cool.

Yes. Obligatory and tedious re-up for my favorite minimalistic C program of the last 5 years:


Take 2 hours to grok this and you can skip compiler books and move straight to compiler papers.

Challenge accepted.

An even better challenge: add structs to the compiler. :)

haha okay! I don't have any formal CS training though (and the CPU between the ears isn't too great either) so it's going to take me more than 2 hours. I'm going through void next() right now. Are you open for questions on Github?

It's not my code, so, Github is a bad place to ask me questions. But you can ask them here, and I'll respond.

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