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1Password can sync your passwords through WiFi [1] without going through some cloud service like Dropbox. This is the main reason I use 1Password, and it so far has met my needs. Caveat is apparently it can only sync with a single computer.

[1] https://support.1password.com/guides/mac/sync-wi-fi.html

+1 for 1Password.

I sync across multiple computers just fine using BTSync. I only use Wifi sync to sync from 1 computer to my multiple iOS devices.

Unfortunately I can't use 1Password at work because it doesn't have a browser client, and I can't install anything I like on my computer (corporate). Sticking to Dashlane for now.

Technically, a 1Password vault contains a "1Password.html" file that essentially loads up a browser interface to your vault. This may or may not meet your needs, depending mostly on whether or not you're cool with carrying around a thumb drive with your password vault on it.

1Password has integration with Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and presumably also IE.

They don't build their own browser into which their tool is built, no.

They don't provide you a browser-only solution like LastPass, no.

But they do fully integrate with most of the common browsers.

Doesn't help in this situation-- you need to be able to install the base executable for the browser extensions to function.

So get your IT guys to install it for you? Seems like a reasonable request...

Doesn't seem to be anyway to run it on Linux.

They very carefully maintain WINE support.

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