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"For renters like Soni Fink, 91, the rules have meant she can keep living in the apartment she moved into in 1961. A move to market rate would easily eat up her retirement income, she tells the BBC outside her two-bedroom home towards the south of Manhattan."

Why Soni Fink, 91, is entitled to live in a two-bedroom home?

You need to learn about old age and how it effects the brain.

You take an alzheimer's patient out of their home and place them in a hospital or new home and you are effectively transporting them to another planet, it freaks them out.

Your home is your kingdom, she's been there too long to feel comfortable anywhere else. Its not idea, its not economically the best utilisation of a resource, but it is human.

I can construe an entitlement story on behalf of Soni Fink like this: since 1961, she probably put in enough money into rent that if it had one into a mortgage, she would own the place, with enough left over for all the upkeep.

The fact that she has been a tenant for more than half a century and paid into the building should count for something. It can be argued.

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