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Oh great, just the day before yesterday I finally jumped to LastPass (because obviously WinKee is not compatible to my new Lumia phone), using my best password (long, no real syllables, memorized).

It sounds like the password is still safe enough, but it's a very unfortunate, inconvenient timing indeed.

I've been using them for over a year. Their UI's are just the worst. They look like they've been designed by someone who has only seen Window's 95 software. Other than that, though, the service and underlying software seems pretty solid.

I have it generate passwords on new sites and any site where I need to change a password due to breaches and whatnot. I haven't known my facebook password for over 12 months. It's some random bunch of characters, and that makes me feel good.

I've enabled 2FA with Google Authenticator and it sounds like, after this breach, any new device that tries to get on my lastpass account has to be authorized over email.

They really appear to take security seriously. I guess they should since that's really their only game.

Try 1Password.

I did just quickly evaluate it on my iPad (got it in some promotion ages ago), but it didn't "click" with me.

OTOH I'm not terribly sold on LastPass's UI, either.

I don't know, but I'm going to sleep a few days over it and check out my options on the weekend. This isn't an "everything's on fire" event, anyway.

LastPass's UI is one step up from atrocious, but I stuck with them because it works, is convenient, and doesn't charge me per-OS/device. :/

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