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American Planned to 'Utterly Destroy' Muslims in New York Town (christianpost.com)
2 points by pessimizer on June 14, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

About a month ago I had the strangest conversation with a guy and his mom, both of whom live in Idaho and object strongly to the settlement of Syrian refugees in Pocatello. The mom was fully convinced this would cause sharia law to be allowed in Pocatello. Citing of facts did no good; in fact, the guy demanded I stop Googling facts that supported my argument. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Breitbart Texas confirmed Tuesday that “an Islamic Tribunal using Sharia law” is indeed operating in Texas. But not to worry: an attorney for the tribunal assures us that participation is “voluntary,” and one of the Sharia judges, Dr. Taher El-badawi, says it’s devoted only to “non-binding dispute resolution.”


So there is a Muslim town called Islamberg on U.S. soil ...

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