Here's how you would deploy it in microservices-infrastructure:
1. You'd deploy the cassandra mesos framework, giving you HA cassandra. Instead of setting IPs, you'd connect to this as cassandra.service.consul
2. You'd launch a Kong container in marathon. It would show up in dns as kong.service.consul for other apps to find, so you don't have to hard code IPs in your config.
Here's how you would deploy it in microservices-infrastructure:
1. You'd deploy the cassandra mesos framework, giving you HA cassandra. Instead of setting IPs, you'd connect to this as cassandra.service.consul
2. You'd launch a Kong container in marathon. It would show up in dns as kong.service.consul for other apps to find, so you don't have to hard code IPs in your config.
Edit: We've opened an issue to make this an example app