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Ruins of forgotten empires: APL Languages (2013) (scottlocklin.wordpress.com)
78 points by mml on June 12, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments

I used APL professionally for about ten years. I even have a picture with Ken Iverson, the language's inventor, when I was 19. While I still programmed in assembly, Forth and C, I was one of the "APL guys" at work.

The language changes the way you solve problems computationally. It changes your focus away from the mechanics programming to inmerse your mind in the problem domain. It is hard to understand this without working with APL for a year or more.

There's another element here that is often ignored: Notation.

APL uses a unique set of symbols and it is these symbols that give you expressive power not found in text-based approaches. A paper by Ken Iverson himself, titled "Notation as a tool for thought", covers this:


The value of notation has been largely forgotten today due to the fact that APL suffered a popularity gap of probably twenty years due to the language being way ahead of technoloy at the time. The language didn't fail. The hardware of the time did.

This, BTW, is the reason I think J is an absolute abomination. Yes, Ken Iverson was behind J. The motivation behind going for ASCII and losing the very symbols that made APL notation so powerful was to attempt to deal with the limitations of computers at the time. For example, on some systems you had to manually reprogram the graphic card's character ROM just to be able to display the symbols.

Iverson sought to make the APL concept more accessible by transliterating to ASCII when creating J. In doing so he utterly destroyed the very notation he understood to be critically valuable as a tool for thought.

For more than one reason it would be wrong to attempt to bring APL back today. The concepts, the approach and a form of notation for the expression of computational concepts could and should come back.

There's lots of good reasons for using text for programming. But I've long thought that, as a medium for expression, it's pretty terrible.

I'm reminded of this constructive review of TempleOS [1] and thinking YES I'd like to have some of those code-writing features.

I'm also reminded of Perl, a language that grows multi-character operator glyphs at a rate only slightly slower than teenagers invent emoticons. Imagine if Perl could just be programmed with proper alternative symbol support like APL.

Having proper symbols might also stop the minor endless war of deciding to use "=" as both assignment and evaluation.

1 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9681501

Much of his thrust seems to boil down to being really offended by the cost of safety of allowing concurrent writes while reads are going on.

When dealing with analysis workloads, his line of thinking can yield fast runtimes and doesn't bring that much of a programmer burden. However, it's killingly complex when it comes to live mutating business databases that need to scale. Even many job-based analysis workloads have a lot of concurrent mutation in trying to efficiently figure out what's been done and what needs to be done next when the actual workflow is not a straight pipeline.

I do agree that 'for' loops should be replaced by broader declarations of what needs to be done, instead of these explicit instructions on how to iterate through the data.

I take the author's viewpoint as: when the data is actually big, big data operations are for all practical purposes going to be run in batch mode - it's just hard to squeeze enough new data through the pipeline in ten minutes to change the statistical analysis of many terabytes of big data...if the data is so unpredictable that a snapshot isn't going to be meaningful then slowing operations down to allow concurrent writes isn't going to provide better analysis and what is really needed is not big data but some sort of near real-time stream processing.

All this comes with the assumption that much of what people consider big data isn't really big data.

Could you expand on what you mean about for loops?

In the functional world, there are all sorts of precise constructs to operate on lists (maps, folds, unfolds, scans, etc.), and many versions of these that support concurrency. That's what I imagine when you say "declarations of what needs to be done".

The standard "for" structure is necessarily ordered. Either an index is incremented/decremented, or an iterator object's next() comes in. Since there are side effects that can affect either the iterator or the index, and dependent side effects between loop body runs, obeying a "for" loop means strictly ordered (unless the iterator interface abstracts something else), serialized execution of the loop body.

Even maps, folds, etc are often defined in terms of what order they process data. This is useful for early exit, and mutable state dependency between iterations. But again, this demands serialized, specifically ordered processing of elements.

Lists themselves are ordered structures. Their generalized interface does not assume it's just a bag of items easily thrown around in sub-parts, especially if the linked list nodes are to be modified.

Of course, the above applies to impure functional languages. Purely functional of course has far more freedoms, but even the Lisps and such ultimately demand sequential processing for most of their fundamental list operations.

Much of the functional world is concerned with defining structures that are heavily linked to themselves. Tagged data is essentially the norm.

So, it isn't just that maps are defined in terms of car/cdr, it is that the list itself is defined in terms of car/cdr. The "aha" moment is when you can see that an array of items in c can efficiently represent a tree structure where the parent/child relationships are implied, not tagged. The performance gains from this are impressive.

Functional languages have arrays.

I did not mean to claim that they do not. My claim is that "much of the functional..." So, referring to things like cons lists is easy, though that one is old. Look at the multitude of pointers in any of the purely functional data structures, though. There is a lot of overhead in building up these structures.

Look into the Scala (and clojure?) vector sometime. Literally a 32-ary tree. Makes the algorithm somewhat pleasant to look at, but are we really shocked when something using a simple array can beat it in performance?

Now, it is a perfectly fair and valid point that optimizing development time may be preferred. We are allowed contradictary valid points in situations that are trade off defined.

I think that no-one will argue that an imperative, transient data-structure will be faster than a functional, persistent data-structure if you use it imperatively.

If you use persistent data-structures the way they are meant to be used, they can and will be faster than a simple array.

Both have valid use-cases, but they are often distinct.

You would be surprised at the arguments you see.

Even the one you are making is... tough. Persistent data-structures are not a sure fire win against mutable versions. Again I find myself refering to the DLX algorithm. The entire point of which is that it is easier and faster to permute through different configurations of a data structure then it is to have all instances instantiated in a persistent fashion.

Does this mean that persistent data structures are without use? Of course not! Again, you may not be optimizing speed of execution. Which is perfectly valid!!

Pssst, let the developers that don't open their eyes beyond C and C++ think their languages are the only ones with such features. :)

Every time I see a C or C++ talk discussing value types or arrays, I get to think those guys never saw other programming languages, e.g. Algol/Wirth family.

Another example of the Lady Gaga culture, instead of learning about the world of programming languages.

Would be interesting to see a more detailed explanation of how Q compares to Redis at least. The low level bits, performance, RAM usage, usage comparison of the same tasks etc.

How detailed do you want to get?

If you're using Python or C or something else to use redis as a server, it's probably just as fast as Q/KDB, and some informal benchmarking supports this:

    redis-server &
    redis-benchmark -t set -n 1000000 -c 1 -P 1000000
    0.00% <= 1368 milliseconds

    q)h:neg hopen`:localhost:1234
    q)\t 1000000 h/"a:69"
However I don't think this necessarily a good way to build your system, because if you're going to do a million of (read something write) every second, and then do a million of (read store), then you might as well write it in KDB and just make it (read something store) and save yourself 40% on your heating bill.

It seems KDB excels at queries, joins, and aggregates on large datasets. I have limited experience with redis, but if that type of code would need to be written in c/python with redis then KDB may have a performance and productivity lift. I would like to see an example like that.

Another benchmark is here: http://kparc.com/q4/readme.txt

Like what?

A program in KDB instead of a program in Python and Redis?

Here's an implementation of a multiuser group chat in KDB:


and here's one in Python and Redis:


The great thing about K/Q is it's simplicity and minimalism. It's fast because it doesn't do very much and doesn't have layers upon layers of abstractions.

I would love to see a derivate of it with proper async support and more useful error messages.

PLaSM is an APL like language for describing building architecture (based on IBM's FL, a predecessor to J).


>> " Modern code monkeys don’t even recognize mastery; mastery is measured in dollars or number of users, which is a poor substitute for distinguishing between what is good and what is dumb. Lady Gaga made more money than Beethoven, but, like, so what? " Spot On !

Hence why valley hipsters jump into things like Go.


I think he came to the wrong conclusion. We shouldn't be looking at APL or J to see what they did right ( surprisingly little ) we should be focusing on how they failed and making sure we don't fail the same way. Yeah an APL master might be able to crunch numbers much better then the average Java programmer, but in reality I can get more number crunching implemented by spinning up an R based development team then I would ever get done trying to find, train, and pay an APL based team.

Your statement validates his statement. Just because R-based development teams are in number, does not make quality, and vice versa: APL or J programmers may be lower in numbers, but you may be getting better quality. The catapult was invented, and then forgotten, and had to be re-invented. In today's age with the internet, and the relatively short span of computer science, I must say I agree that the short-sightedness seems worse. I play with APL/J and I like Julia and Haskell. To me J (APL) are close to the succinctness and expressiveness of mathematical formula, and they work naturally with arrays, no batteries needed.

It sounds like you both have this ideal of quality that theoretical quality counts for something, even expressed quality doesn't really matter that much if you can't bring _quantity_ to bear.

What did APL and co get wrong, except for becoming popular (otherwise it is just an argument from popularity).

The ultra terse syntax, will have lead to an extreme learning curve. But if you replaced it with more typical function names, I doubt it would have made history different/

APL and co got becoming popular wrong. As great as a singular developer might be they will never make the comunalative progress that a much larger number of acceptable developers will make.

The software ecosystem evoloved so rapidly around APL that it didn't have time to really show off anything it was good at. All the problems that it solved were solved 100 times over by others, and they gained the market share to drive the state of the art forward. Sure Kdb might be great, but there is a reason why Oracle makes a few more orders of magnitude more money then they do, even the claim that they can replicate Hadoop and other "Big Data" solutions is nonense as even a modest Hadoop consulting firm does more buisness then the 10m that Kx brings in.

The failure is one I have seen a lot. It doesn't matter what you do, if you are living on an island as a professional of any kind your contributions will be shortly forgotten and replaced by those who had the ability to share their ideas with the larger population.

>Comparing, say, Kx systems Q/KDB (80s technology which still sells for upwards of $100k a CPU, and is worth every penny) to Hive or Reddis is an exercise in high comedy. Q does what Hive does. It does what Reddis does. It does both, several other impressive things modern “big data” types haven’t thought of yet, and it does them better, using only a few pages of tight C code, and a few more pages of tight K code.

it is exactly exercise in comedy. Hive and Reddis are free. They do for regular persons and tasks what only $100K/CPU systems of yesterday were doing. It is like comparing high-professional $100K film cameras of yesterday with today's consumer 5-10M cameras. A $100K thing which i would never had access to vs. real cheap/free gigantic expansion of my capabilities. The choice is obvious to me.

There is a difference. The new cameras are based on more advanced tech. The new storage machines are not necessarily based on new ideas in algorithmic execution.

I'm not sure I agree, but the assertion of the article is that much of today's pain is a refusal to acknowledge the progress of the past.

For myself, there is a lot to this. Many of my peers and the younger crowd are convinced that the problems they are solving have never been considered in the past. To the point that some of my coworkers are proud that they are "weak" in algorithms.

It's a strawman because nobody is trying to sell you anything, especially a commodity. Their market are people dropping loads of money on datamining hardware and personnel with an aim to get the most analytical value for their money. Then they find out about this excellent database that blows the competition away in capabilities and efficiency. Spending a little extra on this maximizes ROI on their hardware.

And so many companies do. Others continue working with crap like Hive and Reddis where they spend more time & money on supporting the software than getting analysis done.

KDB is nothing like Hive or redis. In fact, there is no prominent open source project comparable to KDB in terms of architecture or use case.

KDB is a fast column oriented database with an APL-like API. Hive is a SQL translation layer for MapReduce/Tez and Redis is a key-value store with rich data structures.

KDB is actually free nowadays if you can live with the 32bit limitation.

Banks have moved to linux from paid o/s yet they continue to shell out for KDB (and the dev are not cheap either).

Why did they move a whole o/s platform but not from kdb?

I assume to keep licensing current to support legacy code. I would be surprised if much revenue comes from new installs

KDB is the tool of choice on new projects. Also, $12.5k a core these days (last I checked).


Learning about those things is different from actually using those in production. J/K are indeed very, very interesting languages.

Not sure about you, but the software we are forced to use at work is never as pleasing as the software we can use at home.

I managed to use J at work. Kicked the crap out of a 240 core spark process on one thread. It really is an amazing technology, and people ignore it and lessons of the past at their peril.

Another person realizing my meme that IT regularly forgets and (when lucky) re-invents the past. Often in an inferior way. K and J were great tools for datamining. Well-implemented, too. Hadoop-style efforts could've saved a lot of time and gained plenty efficiency starting out with such a design. Any suggestions on best way to solve this? A Wikibooks-like, categorized, searchable site of all kinds of solutions to various problems, perhaps?

Fortunately we have nice counter-examples with groups such as FoundationDB doing Hadoop scale with strong consistency. Building on the right, proven principles can get one ahead.

What I find slightly disturbing is that people remember history but forget we got to where we are precisely because of it.

64-bit processors and more than 4 gigs of RAM are relatively new things. Mmap is useless for datasets larger than the disk you can attach to the CPU mmapping it or the size of its virtual address space. In 1991 it would be OK to call a couple billion entries "big data" (although we were yet to invent the term) but not anymore.

Having said that, the heat dissipation of instantiating objects from their on-disk representation is probably a relevant part of the refrigeration costs of any data center. We just have unimaginable computing power available and, sometimes, we do things the easy way, not the most efficient one.

I agree it's important to consider refrigeration costs. Yet, the rest seems hypothetical given their site says it scales to petabytes across many machines, from clusters to grid computing. Their benchmarks are on a diverse array of machines with some being flash storage arrays and others compute nodes with 16+ cores & 512GB memory. I have a hard time believing this thing is going to choke on most datasets.

Licensing and hardware will probably be the biggest costs here.

> I have a hard time believing this thing is going to choke on most datasets.

It won't, but 512GB is nowhere near "big data". In fact, most datasets we see should not be called that. My personal rule of thumb is that nothing that can fit in less than a dozen machines can be called "big data". The whole idea begun when we started manipulating datasets that were so huge that moving the data from where it was stored to where it would be processed was no longer practical.

My comment said "petabytes" of data across many machines. The 512GB RAM was one node they tested it on. As in, the 512GB is around how much can be in one node at once rather than what the database can process. If petabytes of OLAP don't count, I'll concede that this database isn't for "big data."

Yeah, a resource of canonical answers to questions. Often arguments are repeated again and again in discussions, often poorly. If you could just point people at this, and pros and cons would become better over time, I think that would be a real win.

I don't know. Seems like the sort of thing that would be useful for a good few years and get popular, but then new questions and resources would start getting closed and locked for being off-topic or irrelevant...Wink, wink.

That's exactly what I'd try to avoid. You could say all topics are shallow there and we'd be the deep thinkers. ;)

Never read the comments.

("Computer science worked better historically in part because humorless totalitarian nincompoopery hadn’t been invented yet. People were more concerned with solving actual problems than paying attention to idiots who feel a need to police productive people’s language for feminist ideological correctness.

You may now go fuck yourself with a carrot scraper in whatever gender-free orifice you have available. Use a for loop while you’re at it. ")

>>Why have multiple threads tripping all over each other when a query is inherently one job?

Because these systems are limited by IO latency, this way the threads respond immediatly when data is available. You dont have the 'stepping' on each other problem unless they are actually running. Further, threads on the same CPU socket, even share resources like memory access, even they can step on each other. You shouldnt be worried about threads and cpu matching if your computation takes 10ms, but data access is 150ms.

Or you can multiplex on a file descriptor to asynchronously handle events? Not sure what exactly you intended to say, or if there's any corner cases in job processing.

Someone should tell this guy about JS's Array.map()

This is the kind of shallow, dismissive comment we need less of on HN. Please don't post them.


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