This will obviously vary depending on how much the school focusing on CS or CE, but I'd stress mastering the basics of several programming languages in different domains (e.g. C, Java, PHP, Python, Lisp). There is a lot to be taken from each of these, even if you think they suck on their own.
I don't think you can effectively give a talk about "using and knowing the tools" without being too specific. If you're specific you fail. Instead, I'd focus on simply drilling it in people's mind that they should feel incredibly comfortable using their editor. It's the only thing they will always be able to control and it's the only place you'll be modifying your code. I'd encourage you have them pick an OS, and a standard library for each programming language and get super familiar with it.
I'm not sure interaction in the form of social coding would work in a single presentation. If this were a regular thing, sure. I think you can provide greater value doing something else.
One thing that I feel is often missing from my fellow students is confidence. They're all a bunch of babies and school is torture for them. I think an interesting talk (and judging by your experience, I'm sure you could make it awesome) would be to emphasize the confidence and empowerment that comes with mastering a programming language and doing some cool shit with it (a side project). There are too many people in my classes that are always sinking, who have not yet realized that they can actually do cool things because they're too busy sucking at class. They need to learn something really cool on their own, which will drive them to learn and finish school because they'll finally see dots starting to connect.
I don't think you can effectively give a talk about "using and knowing the tools" without being too specific. If you're specific you fail. Instead, I'd focus on simply drilling it in people's mind that they should feel incredibly comfortable using their editor. It's the only thing they will always be able to control and it's the only place you'll be modifying your code. I'd encourage you have them pick an OS, and a standard library for each programming language and get super familiar with it.
I'm not sure interaction in the form of social coding would work in a single presentation. If this were a regular thing, sure. I think you can provide greater value doing something else.
One thing that I feel is often missing from my fellow students is confidence. They're all a bunch of babies and school is torture for them. I think an interesting talk (and judging by your experience, I'm sure you could make it awesome) would be to emphasize the confidence and empowerment that comes with mastering a programming language and doing some cool shit with it (a side project). There are too many people in my classes that are always sinking, who have not yet realized that they can actually do cool things because they're too busy sucking at class. They need to learn something really cool on their own, which will drive them to learn and finish school because they'll finally see dots starting to connect.