"Hmmm, add in a little more MVCness."
"OK, good, can you make it about 30% more AJAXy?"
"It needs more social networking, can you do that?"
"Now, how about adding in a pinch of virality?"
"What about crowd sourcing? Can you add more crowd sourcing?"
"Is there some way we can leverage synergies in the cloud?"
"Excellent, ship it!"
"Hmmm, add in a little more MVCness."
"OK, good, can you make it about 30% more AJAXy?"
"It needs more social networking, can you do that?"
"Now, how about adding in a pinch of virality?"
"What about crowd sourcing? Can you add more crowd sourcing?"
"Is there some way we can leverage synergies in the cloud?"
"Excellent, ship it!"