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That's an excellent story, and something to remember when working on automated systems, especially industrial ones.

For something like, say, an automated surgery robot or da Vinci Surgical System, or the Therac here, or an implantable insulin pump, or whatever, it absolutely makes sense to be super vigorous in testing.

For something that's basically just a big document database, though? Or a glorified calculator? Or graphing and charting app? Or messaging app?

Hardly necessary.

In fact, the sort of testing and software rigor that makes sense for embedded systems (like your lathe or the Therac machine here) is pretty much the worst way possible to release one of the aforementioned systems on time and under budget and useful enough to actually make people productive.

Adding more "rigor" to these applications would only serve as a barrier to entry for folks trying to improve the industry. It wouldn't save lives and it would only increase the power of the monopolies of existing players.

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