Peter Molyneux is as always charming (similar to Steve Jobs) and wins the audience, and he used to have good game design visions. But Peter Molyneux is a shadow of his former self. Actually he was a studio head of a Microsoft Games studio Lionhead Studios and his studio had been sponsored by Microsoft to actually work on Kinect software prototypes known as "Project Milo" and with demonstrations at E3, at TED. At the end the project failed because the implementation was sub-par and they had to cut almost every feature that was in the original vision.
He was a Microsoft Games studio head, and could have made a difference. He could have made the software for Kinect that he spoke about. But "Project Milo" hasn't lived up the early visions. Microsoft invested a lot of money, so the first quoted sentence looks a bit different if you read the provided information.
I suppose, insofar, to me, it reflects the fact that he's been down the same rabbit hole and seen that it does not yield useful results (in his case, anyway).
Must say that the Lionhead games, while big in what they claim to be doing, fall flat from a gaming perspective compared to the Bullfrog games Molyneux designed (never mind that quite a few big name Bullfrog games didn't have him involved at all).
All in all i find myself thinking that Jobs early on had Woz (hell, in a sense Jobs piggy backed on Woz).
And similarly in the gaming world there was ID software and the combo of Carmack and Romero.
I kinda wonders who it was in the background at Bullfrog that did the grunt work that made Molyneux look good.
Peter Molyneux tanked his latest two game products in a big awful away - the community isn't happy at all: "Curiosity" and "Godus" are in a gray area that some may label as scam. he recently left 22Cans, the studio of his latest two projects. (little outdated info) , ,,2817,2476895,00.asp , , ,
So maybe he begins a new era that resume his glory era of the 1990s Bullfrog games that one has in mind when one hear his name.