I want automation and technology to fuel progress, and provide for people so they can "spend" without the need for employment.
"Our infrastructure provides you with X to spend every time period. Spend on what you'd like. Earn more if you'd like with a job/tasks/work of your choosing."
His "solution" at the end was some thinly veiled communism. His proposed economy didn't even make sense. There was nothing stopping people from accumulating wealth and basically taking over.
It's not clear that there is any other solution besides something you could call "thinly veiled communism." Either everybody gets some ownership or share in the productive capacity we're increasingly turning over to machines, or some people just get left out not because they're unwilling to contribute but because there's no labor market left.
I guess here is one of the big problems with these solutions. Post scarcity is not even a thing. There will always be finite amounts of different resources or creations.
So even if we live in crazy robot utopia world people will be creating things that will still exist in finite amounts that they will trade for other objects that exist in finite amounts. In fact we really already do live in crazy robot utopia world and this is already happening. Almost no one is starving in america and millions of people live primarily on the dole. Those people living on the dole are living better than like 90% of the human race that has ever existed, they are just living relatively worse than the people who are employed or making a living.
In project australia or whatever it sounded like there were easy ways to consolidate resources because people still owned things and could barter them and eventually they would have all the resources and the monthly credit allowance would once again be welfare. I'm not even really sure what is wrong with capitalism as a system because life is getting better for everyone over time, and as long as ownership/monopoly isn't taken to its extreme things continue to work out.
"Our infrastructure provides you with X to spend every time period. Spend on what you'd like. Earn more if you'd like with a job/tasks/work of your choosing."