Maybe I missed something in this article, but did the employees know? Or did they essentially get their labor sold off to another boss a year ago and were none the wiser? Can such a thing even be done, legally speaking (maybe if the poster were the sole owner)?
Is it literally true that he didn't tell anyone for a year?
Understood! Sorry, my programmer-brain took those words pretty literally. Great story, by the way, and I've always loved Photojojo (and think companies like e.g. Pinterest have a lot to thank it for in the design department).
> I told them that […] I faced two facts:
> First, I had to pack up and leave California […]
> Second, I had no backup plan […]
Neither of which is "I have sold the company". A few paragraphs later we see "But I’d kept all this secret."
So if he shared his diagnosis and the lack of backup plan, that is the "all this" that remained secret? The writing didn't seem clear to me on this point.
Peoples' decision to work is about more than just "are you paying me money?"
If my company got sold to e.g. the Family Research Council, I'd like to know that my work is now benefiting an organization I vehemently oppose. Obviously an employment contract might spell out whether I must be privy to such a sale, but I was wondering whether disclosure is compulsory even in the absence of such a guarantee in an employment contract.
By the same token, do you feel compelled to tell your employer when you are interviewing for other jobs, talking to recruiters, or simply bouncing ideas off friends/potential business partners for a company you may start?
The author has responded and clarified that of course everyone knew as soon as the deal was finalized, so my whole point is moot.
The analogous case is not when you're interviewing for other jobs, but when you have taken one. At that point, yes, I feel compelled to tell my current employer.
If some sort of shareholder vote were necessary to sell, then they'd need to know ahead of time. If not, the sale could happen, but employees should know immediately thereafter. And it sounds like they did!
Is it literally true that he didn't tell anyone for a year?