I had a hard time reading computer and technology books. They are getting much better, but a few years ago, when reading some books in this field; I felt like I was reading a 500 plus page phone book. That said, I haven't looked at the list, but most books have gotten much better at conveying the information.
When I wanted to understand front and backend website developement, I downloaded the free courses in computer science colleges(MIT, and Harvard) through ITunes. I would listen to the lectures while exercising. They helped me a lot. I slowly got used to the lingo, and it all started to kinda make sense.
I still gave a long way to go, but at least when I pick up a book now; it's not like I'm reading Latin.
The posters at this site have pointed me in the right direction more times than I can count. If I wanted to get the "skinny" on the latest technology; many times I go straight to the comments.
(If I wrote a computer/technical book; I would try to include an audio version--if funds permitted? Reading is not easy for myself either! You are not alone. Oh yea, I'm surprised more technical subjects are not written in well thought out comic book form? I'm not looking for elaborate artwork, but a few visuals go a long way. Teach Youself Visually publications are a favorite go to of mine-- when I do buy a book in this field.)
Code listings in audio books are going to be, er, interesting. I remember seeing a video of a blind coder's set up and the audio was incredible - really fast and hard to tune in to.
I think there's a service idea here - something to hook people up to others who want to read a book and are prepared to read it out aloud and record it. Build a library of books. Audio books tend to be edited mind you.
>> I think there's a service idea here - something to hook people up to others who want to read a book and are prepared to read it out aloud and record it. Build a library of books.