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You completely miss the point of the quoted passage. You should read it again.

No, I get it, I wish it was true. I also like to dream of a world where each person/family has their own group of robots that do the basic hard work for them, leaving them to pursue creativity, research and development of new things, explore the unexplored.

But the reality is that people are selfish and don't really want to see others succeed.

They spend more money on luxury cars, houses and technology that benefits only them. Charity donations make up a small part of it, and that's mostly because it makes people feel better about themselves (if only more realized this).

Their money sit in banks, being lent to other people under sometimes outrageous terms, and they buy land and resources that they don't allow others to use, claiming it belongs to them and they're storing it for "the future", even though they know very well they're going to die in a few decades and none of it will really matter.

You still completely miss the point of the passage.

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